Swan Phase of your Menstrual Cycle
Swan Phase of your Menstrual Cycle

I didn't know for sure what that meant, but I knew, just by the way they presented it to me, that it was something of a feminine nature.

They drew me close and whispered how the swan phase was the blood of my last, ever period. They advised me to pour my blood into the vial and never let it go. It would be held there forever, like a scarlet relic of my precious, bleeding womb. Unfortunately, I never got round to doing that, because I never knew which cycle, would end up being my last.

And so, the purpose of these words is to bring your awareness to something that escaped me.

As you enter the menopause, you may notice how your cycles are getting heavier and heavier, and more and more out of sync. Enormous amounts of blood leave your womb, sometimes, alarmingly so. You may think as I did, how that amount of blood loss is a sign that you are nowhere near the menopause. It wasn't.

Erratic, heavy periods are a sure sign that you are well and truly in the process of entering your Initiation into Wisdom. Now is the time to pay attention, and to be present to what will one day be your last period.

This is when I should have started to collect my blood and keep it till the next cycle began. That way, I would always have the swan blood in my vial. This is the point I wish to raise, should you be interested in keeping the last of your blood. I did not know how suddenly my cycles would stop. Yes, there was a sense of a weaning off process, but also this would often coincide with an unexpected downpour that lasted ten days straight.

I feel it's a beautiful and honouring thing to do for yourself, to collect the blood of the swan phase, and to enshrine it in some way. I really wish I could have known, what I know now, and so, I pass this women's wisdom onto you.

You never know which one is your last. Every cycle could be your last precious gift.

Aletheia Sophia

About the Author

Aletheia Sophia has been described as a joyful wellspring of Holy Spiritedness. She is a Writer, Orator, Minister, Somatic Practitioner and Shepherdess. Her highly acclaimed books, courses, transmissions, retreats, and workshops contain an undeniable red thread – her love and practice of early Christianity.

Aletheia has been a steadfast voice in the movement for the renewal of Christian Contemplative Spirituality. She advocates for the embodied teachings and sacraments to be made freely available to all, in a non-dogmatic and fully inclusive manner. Her commitment to inclusivity ensures that everyone, regardless of background or belief, feels welcomed and accepted in her teachings.

Her books include:

  • Open your Heart with Kundalini Yoga (Harper Collins, 2002)
  • Mini Size Me (Lulu, 2005)
  • Pilgrimage of Love (Lulu, 2010)
  • Womb Wisdom (Inner Traditions, 2011)
  • Sacred Sexual Union (Inner Traditions, 2013)
  • The Rose Knight. Part I: Sophia's Story (Lulu, 2014)
  • Sacred Relationships (Inner Traditions, 2015)
  • Fierce Feminine Rising (Inner Traditions, 2020)
  • The Grail King. Part II: Logos' Story (Lulu, 2022)
  • Healing Springs and Sacred Waters: An Audio Guide Through Sacred France (2025)
  • Sacred Body Awakening (2025)

Aletheia resides in the Cathar region of Southern France with her husband and mother. Together, they manage Les Contes, a B & B at the base of Montsegur. Les Contes is a truly extraordinary place, boasting an astonishing healing presence and unique features such as Notre Dame de Sophia, La Source de Belisama, Le Jardin d'Eden, The Mary Path, The Red Rose Cafe, the Apothecary of Body Rituals, and the Goat Ranch Farm.